Monday, January 4, 2010

13 Dead End Drive

Next to Battle Masters, this game is absolutely ridiculous to set-up. This is the original edition; the newer version has a pop-up board. Gee thanks! Other than that its decent. Nothing great about it. The board looks cool and the game has a decent concept and story to it. The story is some old, eccentric rich bitch (Aunt Agatha) died and all of her friends are trying to kill each other so they can be the last one to survive in order to inherit her will. Ok, decent story. The game board really lives up to this story well. What a pain to set-up, but it's actually the most unique game board I've ever seen and well worth the effort. The "mansion" is a stunner that includes stairs, a fireplace, and even a chandelier!

The game play even has a strategy. It requires some major thinking since you basically have control over every player during your turn. You gotta plan your moves out ahead of time; similar to clue and chess in that manner. Besides the cool board though, I wasn't too impressed but definitely think its a fun game and worth a play now and then. 7/10